Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Holy cow is it HOT!

First off,  I would like to say THANKS to those of you who have FB'd me and asked why I have not posted in a while. Just so you know, I have not given up on this challenge but the heat is surely trying to kill me before I can get started!

So here is what I have been up to!
So two weeks ago I was bustin' it hard. I have dropped ten pounds and was feeling awesome. Then the heat index started kicking in. We had heat indexes at 105+, temps at 97-99. After talking with a few folks who run all the time, they suggested not running in this kind of heat. Especially since I was still having issues taking in air! So instead I started Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred video. Some of you maybe be laughing right now, but I tell you what. I dare any of you guys to do the first leg of this video and not me you feel like you are dying! I think I would have rather run in the heat! She is one tough broad! Josh did it with me. I do wonder if he really wanted to do the exercises or look at the girls in the video, but I digress! :) We got done and I had a rough time getting off the floor! The rest of the week was weights and sit-ups and push-ups.

 The next week started with my kids away at church camp for the week. Now you might think WOW, you had a ton of time to work out. Well you would be wrong. Besides a couple of dates with my beautiful wife. We were cleaning up the pit, also know as, Josh and Daniel's room. No big deal, a couple of hours . . Well you might not have met my kids. Four and a half garbage bags full of broken toys, fast food toys and various other items that we deemed time to throw out later, we saw the floor! It literally took 3 days to get that room clean. We had planned on painting it as well but decided that could wait for another time. So long story short, I did not do anything last week. I have still been limiting what I eat. And I think for the first time in a long time, I can stop eating before I am full! I am pretty happy about that! I have stopped drinking everything but water, all day and coffee in the mornings. I even stopped drinking iced tea, which I absolutely love! Especially sweet tea!!!! But I really want to do this competition. So some small sacrifices here and there and I can hopefully reach my goal!

 A FaceBook friend told me once I got started with this it would make me focused in ways I might not realize. Well, while I'm not a Bi-athlete and likely won't ever be, I am very focused on this. So tonight I started my running regimen over from the beginning. I took a different route tonight and though it had a couple of bigger hills, I was able to complete it and end up right at my driveway! Yea me! As a character in Brad Thor's novels says "Never give up! Never surrender!" That is the attitude I have about getting ready for this!

Have a great rest of the week! Trav

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