Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

First off,  Happy 4th of July! I hope all of you have a great 4th and remember why we celebrate today! Now on to my next post. By the way, I have no idea how often I will post a blog but being that this is a holiday weekend, I have a little more time on my hands!

So Day 2, how should I recap Day 2? Well I guess I should start back with the end of Day 1. So I got a chance to go see U2 in concert here in Nashville. (Thanks Paul!) It was an awesome concert by the way. After sweating at least 5 lbs off in the humidity that is Nashville in July and walking from and back to my car(about a mile each way). I was a little beat on Sunday. I didn't get home until about 12:15 AM. Now, I am not a night owl, so being up that late coupled with running for the first time and heat and humidity, well I could not pull myself out of bed early to run the next day. So I got up about 8:30 or so, got the boys up and went to church. Angie and I went to a friends house to go swimming  with our small group after church and swimming we did. I must have been in that pool 2 or 3 hrs. So I am counting that as day two! :) By the way I now have a few more guys who are crazy enough to do this competition with me now!

Day 3- This morning I got up and I am sore all over! My arms are sore, my feet are sore, my shoulders are sore and so on and so on. So what did I do this morning? I actually got up and went running again. Well actually, I put on a cup of coffee, loved on the cat,  the dog and then sat down on the couch contemplating whether or not I wanted to run again. Hey, I have to tell the truth! Anyway, I grabbed my phone and thanks to a cool app called C25k, I now have a good little running program to follow (thanks Gene). So I do the warm up and start walking, then run for one minute and walk for 90 seconds. This alternates for about 30 minutes but guess what, I finished, well almost. I walked the last minute I was supposed to jog but in my eyes that is huge. I did better today than I did on Saturday. Pretty good for a guy who still hates to run but is trying.  Now I need to start fitting in some sit ups and push ups and hopefully I will be on my way.  Happy 4th!

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