Saturday, July 9, 2011

And so ends week 1....

Well, it has officially been one week since I started training. I would say I am training for Tough Mudder but in reality I am trying to get in good enough shape to start training for Tough Mudder. So when last we left off I had found an app called C25K to help me get started. This has been a big help. Day 2 of the app was awesome but before I talk about that I also did other things this week. So on Tuesday I did a bunch of laps in the pool at a friends house. I could feel that when I got done let me tell you. The next day I didn't run but did some dumbbell work , sit ups and push ups. One note on the push ups. Ouch! I have not done them in so long I could barely squeeze out one. So I started some reps with 12lb weights I have instead of trying in vain to do more push-ups. One in each hand. I would try to explain what I was doing but I have no idea. After about 45 reps each in about 5 different positions, I decide to try the push-ups again. I got through 10 and then did another 10 later after the sit-ups. It might not seems like a lot to some of you but for me it was huge! So to recap I got about 22 push ups in (yes, twenty two, no I don't know why!) 40 sit ups(really crunches),  which still hurt by the way, 45 or more reps with weights in different positions and some stretches. Plus, a ten year old personal trainer who is very encouraging. It does help to hear. "Come on Dad you can do this!" That and the giggles about how red my face gets when I do this stuff! Oh well I can live with that.
     The next day I decided to do my run at night. Let me tell you this was my best night. I covered 2 miles that night. I was so excited! I could not believe it. I have never been able to run a mile much less two. I was beat, breathing heavily and felt like I was going to die but I did it! Yea me!  By the way, having music is a great motivator!
On top of all this I have been scaling back what I eat and going back to a lower carb diet. I did Atkins for a year and dropped 30 lbs but that is hard to sustain. I figured I would modify that,  add a few more acceptable carbs like a piece of wheat bread with a meal and try to avoid the bad stuff. I was able to avoid the Krispy Kreme trap set by a co-worker yesterday and that is a big deal for me. I love those things!
So that brings me to today.
I was thinking day would be a breeze. I have made it through the same two mile stretch and everything else has been going great this week. Well that didn't happen this morning. Maybe I wasn't feeling it this morning or maybe I wasn't in the groove because my stupid Pandora app on my phone wasn't working right, or maybe it was because Josh was with me and I could concentrate. I dont' know what it was but I wasn't able to push through this morning. I was having a hard time getting started and it affected the whole run. I still got thru 2 miles but missed the last leg of the run. I walked maybe the last 1/4 mile. On the up side, Josh was beat. He thought this would be a breeze because he runs  about 40 laps in the gym at camp. After we got done he said "This is hard Dad!" Yep, I couldn't agree more! I was pretty bummed by the time I got back to the house. I'm still trying to figure out what happened but I probably never will. I will chock this up to a bad day and move on. I get to go swimming here in a bit so I will still be sort of working out while relaxing with some good friends. I am confident that will make me feel better! That's all for now and if you have any tips on how to get over the bummed out feeling I would be grateful! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Travis this is wonderful, I think you are doing awesome! Good for you dude! Man as long as you are out there trying its all good dontlook down about it! Im the last person to give advice but I have heard that it is good to run so many minutes to get your heart rate up and going, then walk, not slow but a good pace and slow your rate down some for so many minutes then run again and keep repeating that. Do not know where I heard that. Someone told Jake that and if you need a partner he could use a partner, he was all hyped about exercise and played basketball everyday for a few weeks and ran and walked and did the dumb bell thing and then quit. He did pull a muscle in his back playing basketball but I think he is fine now. Go Travis! Keep up the good work!! You Rock! Oh I know its not exercise but Chet is like a little boy looking for someone to play with Bocce and cant find any one to play it with him. So if your ever wanting to play call him. He'd love it!!
